Creation and New Creation

Everything came into being through him. (John 1:3)

Our existence rests on the world which has already become. When we fall asleep, we take it for granted that our existence will continue the next morning; that we will experience ground under our feet, that the sun will rise again. People affected by earthquakes report that, in addition to the physical injuries or losses, the shock that they suffer can be even more serious — the very ground that bears without our thinking about it has been shaken.

Our community life also rests on what has already become. As we approach the Jubilee of the Christian Community and other initiatives that owe their existence to the work of Rudolf Steiner, we become more aware of this. In addition to gratitude for the great deeds of the founders, we may find ourselves wondering how the movement for renewal will renew itself after a hundred years? Some people may even have the question of whether it will be possible to stay true to the impulse and goal of the movement will be lost as the time that separates us from the foundation grows ever longer.

According to the Logos theology, the Logos already existed before creation as a fullness of divine ideas about how the world could become. The full potential was far from exhausted when the Creator Word was pronounced. The germ word of the logos spermatikos slumbers in the heart of every human being until it is unfolded through our creative activity. When we found something out of the divine Logos, we may assume that the same applies. The creative potential of our movement was not exhausted at its foundation: it awaits its full unfolding in the years, decades and centuries to come.

Tom Ravetz

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